Raed Arafat: Vaccinated people can get infected, but in small numbers

Raed Arafat confirms what many people already knew for some time, namely the fact that vaccinated people can become infected with the Coronavirus, only that this occurs in a much smaller number than in the case of unvaccinated people.

Raed Arafat says that vaccinated people do not develop serious forms of the disease, but only mild or asymptomatic forms, so they would not require hospitalization, and this does not put pressure on the medical system in Romania, as has happened so far.

"There are many rumors that even the vaccinated get infected. Yes, but in a much smaller number, but especially since the vaccinees who get infected do not develop the serious forms and remain with the mild forms, they do not require hospitalization. That's actually the problem with this pandemic, its impact on the healthcare system at a certain point, when we see all the intensive care beds and hospital beds being occupied by COVID patients at once.

And we have seen this impact in other countries as well. So what can we expect in the coming period? Maybe it will continue to grow, let's see at what pace and speed. At the same time, we hope to increase the number of people vaccinated and be able to limit the spread and limit the serious effect of the disease."