BCR Romania: All Customers Attention, what they need to know

BCR Romania legacy

BCR Romania warns clients from all over the country about a series of very serious problems that they must be aware of because they can turn their lives upside down if they are exploited. Those from BCR Romania are warning clients from all over the country about multiple fraud methods that are currently being used to trick Romanians and steal money from their accounts, money that in some cases cannot even be recovered.

BCR Romania tries through the advice on its website to teach Romanians how to protect themselves against these dangers, especially since some of them are so widespread that it is difficult to overlook them. BCR Romania talks first of all about the problems that exist on OLX, mainly with those fake buyers who ask for our card data to pay us, but who in reality use the information to steal our money.

BCR Romania: All Customers Attention, what they need to know

BCR Romania also talks about the accident method, one that even the Romanian Police has repeatedly brought to our attention because it has caused many victims over time. The "unexpected inheritance" or "magic lottery" methods are also mentioned, in both cases it is about large sums of money that are presented to us as being due to us, but only if we initially pay a certain amount of money for various legal procedures and not only .

BCR Romania also discusses fake ads with cheap cars for which an advance payment is required before delivery, but that money sometimes disappears forever because the thieves are hard to find. BCR Romania finally brings into discussion the problem of money carriers, that is, people who either transport sums of money across borders, or accept that their accounts be used for money transfers to other accounts in order to hide the traces of the beneficiaries.

BCR Romania has on its website all the information that anyone should know in order to protect themselves as best as possible against these attacks, and vigilance is what must be emphasized.