Planet Jupiter: AMAZING Discovery, Researchers Amazed

Planet Jupiter dissipation

The planet Jupiter is at the center of an astonishing discovery made by researchers from all over the world, and this is because they managed to observe something they had never seen before. The planet Jupiter is the largest in the solar system and has an extremely unfriendly ecosystem where storms cover the entire atmosphere and there is little chance of life forms beneath them, scientists failing to see much beyond them.

However, the planet Jupiter had discovered the fact that in the stratosphere there are storms that generate winds that reach speeds of up to 1450 km/h, huge, that could destroy anything that gets in front of them. It is interesting that there are no clouds in the stratosphere, although in the other areas of the atmosphere they exist in abundance, until recently scientists were unable to calculate the speeds with which the winds move in that area, and what they discovered amazed them.

Planet Jupiter: AMAZING Discovery, Researchers Amazed

The planet Jupiter had the wind speed in the stratosphere calculated thanks to a comet that collided with the planet in 1994, but scientists needed more than 3 decades to calculate the wind speed. According to scientists, these winds on the planet Jupiter can also generate what is called a vortex, and scientists have calculated that they can have heights of up to 900 kilometers, with diameters that can exceed up to 4 times the size of the Earth.

"Scientists have gathered further evidence of just how fluffy it is on Jupiter, recording wind speeds of nearly 1.450 km/h stealing through the gas giant's atmosphere. Everything is due to comet Shoemaker-Levy 9, which collided with the gas giant in a spectacular way in 1994. They detected the presence of powerful jets, with speeds of up to 400 meters per second, the equivalent of 1.450km / h, located beneath the poles of Jupiter."

The planet Jupiter could be devoid of clouds in this region of the atmosphere due to the very high speeds recorded by the winds, which can dissipate any traces of clouds over the years. Precisely this lack of clouds made it very difficult to calculate the speeds of the winds in the stratosphere, but scientists are still trying to discover more of the secrets that are hidden there and they have a lot to reveal.

The planet Jupiter still has many mysteries that are still difficult to decipher, but probably in a few decades, other secrets will be revealed to us that we didn't know about.