auki – un tweak revolutionar care ne permite sa raspundem rapid la mesaje din orice meniu al iOS (Video)


  auki este un tweak lansat in cadrul WWJC in timpul unei prezentari tinute de catre hackerul Surenix, iar in clipul video de mai sus aveti o prezentare a functionalitatii sale. Dupa cum probabil v-ati dat deja seama, tweak-ul ne ofera posibilitatea de a scrie rapid mesaje sau de a raspunde celor primite din orice meniu al iOS-ului, totul extrem de rapid. Tweak-ul ne permite sa interactionam cu bannerele de notificari primite oriunde in iOS, iar prin intermediul sau putem trimite rapid mesaje oricui.

auki is designed to enhance the way we compose messages without cluttering Notification Center with extra buttons/tappable fields and to access it from all Notification Center tabs. With deep thoughts, we found the best way to activate quick compose—swipe down gesture. With quick compose, users have the ability to quickly search for single or multiple contacts (for group messaging) and the ability to upload media with your messages.

  Separat de aceste doua functii, auki contine si o optiune pentru generarea unui blacklist care blocheaza mesajele trimise de catre alte persoane, contine un sistem care detecteaza automat SMS-urile sau mesajele primite prin iMessage, permite activarea personalizata a functionalitatii sale, permite trimiterea oricarui tip de fisiere multimedia, contine suport pentru landscape mode, contine suport pentru mesaje in grup, afiseaza imaginile contactelor si multe, multe altele.

Before auki, we would get pulled out of an app into Messages app to answer a message. By the time we finish replying to that message, we would forget what we were doing. Now with auki, users have the ability to quickly tap the newly added “Reply” button to quickly reply. With the help of smart SMS/iMessage detection, you will not get charged for standard SMS rates from outside your country. From the quick reply view, you get to see your contact picture, what email or number he/she sent the message from, upload media with your quick reply and away to go. 

  auki este un tweak grozav, iar daca sunteti interesati de el, il veti gasi la pretul de 4$ in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.

auki is the best way to experience quick reply on your iPhone and iPod touch with meticulous design choices with what really matters most to the user. auki doesn’t stop at just quick reply, it also delivers above and beyond key features like:

  • Quick compose
  • Quick reply
  • Silent mode
  • Stealth mode
  • Smart iMessage/SMS detection
  • Custom Activations
  • Video, Image/GIF support
  • Landscape mode
  • Group messages
  • Message carryover
  • Contact pictures
  • Native look/integration