TinyUmbrella brings compatibility with iOS 4.1 and beyond

TinyUmbrella, the program that helps us to save SHSH files on our computers and then use it for restore, was updated today to be compatible with the new iOS 4.1 that will be released tomorrow evening by Apple. IN A article previously we announced that TinyUmbrella will come with many interesting and useful functions, but unfortunately for now the developer managed to introduce only a few of them in this version of the program:

  • compatibility with iOS 4.1;
  • protection ONLY for the iPhone 4 baseband: any restore made with TinyUmbrella will protect the phone from updating the baseband to the new version. I don't know exactly how this function works, but as soon as I have the opportunity to use it, I will let you know;
  • the possibility to recover SHSH files from Cydia on PC: this function already exists, so it is probably a matter of solving some bugs;
  • the automatic redirection of iTunes to Cydia when you close TinyUmbrella: when you close the program, the IP for the Cydia server will be saved in the Hosts file, so you will not have problems with the restore. And this function already exists;
  • compatible with iPod Touch 4G.

This version of TinyUmbrella can be used right now, but you won't be able to save SHSH for iOS 4.1 until after Apple officially releases it.

You can download TinyUmbrella from here: Windows, Linux, Mac OSX.