Foxconn is starting to replace employees with robots

  Just a few weeks ago I told you that Foxconn intends to replace factory workers with robot lines, iDevices to be produced on those lines. Although it hasn't been that long since then, here it is at Foxconn robotization has already begun production and some employees were affected by the company's changes. On some lines, the number of employees was reduced from 20-30 people to only 5, the same measures to be taken in all the locations where the industrial robots will be installed.

  Although many people will lose their jobs, for Foxconn the change is beneficial because many employee costs are reduced, the problems regarding exceeding the normal schedule hours, the employment of minors, or those concerning the performance of the job in dangerous conditions disappear. Foxconn will implement these robotic lines in Asia and then in the USA, but the implementation will take place in a few years.