Install TaiG AFC2 on iOS 8.3 jailbreak to gain access to system files

AFC2 iOS 8.3 jailbreakInstalling TaiG AFC2 on iOS 8.3 jailbreak to gain access to system files is necessary because the TaiG program does not have this patch implemented, and without it you will not be able to use programs such as iFunBox or iExplore on PC or Mac.

TaiG AFC2 is a special patch made by the TaiG team hackers for the solution of iOS 8.3 jailbreak, so don't try to install any other package available through Cydia because you may realize that it does not offer the same functionality that you would like.

after installing TaiG AFC2, or Apple File Conduit, you will be able to access from your computer any existing files in your terminals to modify applications, tweaks or to copy anything you want to or from terminals, the procedure being impossible in other conditions.

To install TaiG AFC2 in 8.3 iOS jailbreak follow the steps below:

  1. open Cydia.
  2. Go to the section Sources, Then select Edit, Add.
  3. write without deleting http:// in front of him and press Add.
  4. Access the new TaiG repo, then All Packages.
  5. Searching for TaiG AFC2 and press the option install.

After installing TaiG AFC2 and restarting the terminal, you will be able to connect the device to the computer and open any program that allows access to system files, and from here on you can handle the manipulation of system files yourself.

This procedure is necessary no matter how you did it jailbreak for iOS8.1.3, iOS8.2 or iOS 8.3.