How do you make a 128 GB floppy disk

I know that many of you have had the opportunity to use floppy disks in the past, they have a capacity of less than 2 MB after formatting and are generally used to load drivers during a Windows installation or to transport files small sizes between computers.

If you still have a computer that has a floppy drive and you want to use it for something useful, well, you can convert a simple one floppy disk in one with 128 GB storage space with the help of an SD card that can be inserted into a floppy disk of this kind.

Of course, the connector that allows a computer to read your floppy disk also needs to be modified a little, but the modification is not really that complicated for someone who knows what he is doing and the final result could amaze a lot of people.

So, who does it first? 128 GB floppy disk from Romania ?

floppy disk 128 GB -

floppy disk 128 GB 1 -