Galaxy Note 7 - this is how you wake up with it burning

If you have ever wondered what it would be like to wake up with a Galaxy Note 7 burning in your house, well the video clip below should clear it up for you. This recording was made on Sunday in the home of a woman in Honolulu, she woke up with a Galaxy Note 7 whose battery cracked and began to emit smoke.

Without fearing that she might burn her fingers, the woman left the room with the terminal in her hand and took it to a sink, where it calmed down. This week we had three separate cases in which owners of Galaxy Note 7 terminals stated that they were awakened from their sleep by Galaxy Note 7 terminals that caught fire and emitted smoke.

Based on this recording, you can see how dangerous the Galaxy Note 7 can be and how much you can be scared because of the terminal. Unfortunately, some people can have panic attacks, or even worse, if they wake up in a room full of smoke, so Samsung's decision to remove the device from sale is very good.