Huawei MATE X will be LAUNCHED with a BIG DEAL for Customers

Huawei MATE X will be launched by the Huawei company with a very big compromise for its customers, here's what they will have to give up in the end.

Huawei MATE X will be LAUNCHED with a BIG DEAL for Customers

Huawei MATE X it will be launched with a very big compromise for customers all over the world, and that's because Huawei doesn't really know what to do at the moment in order not to lose all that is left of its fans. Huawei MATE X was announced sometime in the spring, and was supposed to be launched in June, but the US sanctions completely blocked its sale, and the situation has not changed until now, with no chance of change in the future.

Huawei MATE X will still arrive in stores at some point, more precisely in October, the Huawei company still wanting to launch its foldable phone, only without the Android expected by customers. Huawei MATE X would still have Android 10 pre-installed, but it will come without Google's applications and services, this being the big compromise the Chinese make in order to continue selling their phones.

Huawei MATE X will be LAUNCHED with a BIG DEAL for Customers

Huawei MATE X was supposed to be launched this month, according to a representative of the Huawei company, but it will arrive on the market only next month, because that's how things could be arranged. It is very possible that the Huawei MATE X will be modified on this "last hundred meters" before the launch to replace everything it had from Google in Android 10 so as to allow customers to enjoy the best experience possible.

"We wanted to sell the Mate X last month, but we postponed it. Maybe we'll start selling the Mate X next month. We are also considering an upgrade to the new chipset.”

Of course, it is difficult to replace applications and services from the Google company with something alternative, especially if you have clients who depend on the data there, and thus Huawei MATE X loses its appeal. It will be very interesting to see what Huawei MATE X will have to say about the changes it makes and the lack of Google applications and services in its version of Android 10, and how many people will accept this compromise.

Huawei MATE X should be launched next month at prices that exceed the value of 2000 euros, although it no longer offers everything that Android 10 has better.