Fortnite: Epic Game SECRET Weapon Locations Map

French Fortnite

Fortnite has a new secret weapon introduced for players around the world, and of course it is placed in a few select areas on the virtual world map, but below you have the image that will tell you exactly where you can find the golden French key to kill your enemies .

Fortnite has this weapon in only a few locations on the map at the moment, so there are few areas where you can actually get it, but this year it's just something unusual because many other items are placed in a similar way by those from Epic Games.

Fortnite has a limited number of French keys that we can pick up from the map at the moment, and from what we see on the map, we should be careful every time, because they could disappear pretty quickly every time .

Fortnite has a lot of weapons available to players, and many of them are offered for limited periods of time, so if you are interested in any of them, you better get it very quickly before it disappears completely from the game.

Fortnite French key locations

Fortnite there will undoubtedly be other weapons implemented by Epic Games in the not too distant future, but it remains to be seen how far they will go, how powerful they will be, and how easily they will be discovered by players from all over the world the world.