Coronavirus: Record of Patients admitted to Intensive Care

Record number of coronavirus intensive care patients

Un nou record de pacienti internati la terapie intensiva a fost inregistrat in Romania in cursul acestei zile, 1496 persoane fiind in momentul de fata pe paturile de la ATI din cauza infectiei cu noul Coronavirus, iar numarul este in continua crestere.

Numarul de pacienti internati la ATI a crescut in fiecare zi in ultimele saptamani, astfel ca aproape zilnic am avut parte de cate un record, iar in urmatoarele zile cel mai probabil se va depasi cifra de 1500 de persoane interante pentru ingrijiri de specialitate.

"In specialized health units, the total number of people hospitalized with COVID-19 is 13.748. Of these, 1.496 are hospitalized at ATI.

Until this date, at the national level, 6.936.614 RT-PCR tests and 694.261 rapid antigen tests have been processed. In the last 24 hours, 28.786 RT-PCR tests (16.720 based on case definition and medical protocol and 12.066 on request) and 10.724 rapid antigen tests were performed.

On the territory of Romania, 64.525 people confirmed to be infected with the new coronavirus are in isolation at home, and 16.675 people are in institutional isolation. Also, 49.003 people are in home quarantine, and 102 people are in institutionalized quarantine."