Black Hole: INCREDIBLE Photos with a First for Mankind

Black hole detail

The black hole monitored by scientists in the vast universe comes with a premiere that stunned from all points of view, and this is because unprecedented images were recorded with an explosion related to it. More precisely, scientists managed to capture in the clearest images so far a jet of gases and particles thrown into the universe by that black hole, the photos being 16 times clearer than anything else recorded so far.

The black hole we are talking about is a supermassive one and is located in the galaxy NGC 5128 or Caldwell 77, located at a great distance from the Milky Way, and the images were recorded using the Event Horizon telescope. For the images taken with this black hole, a magnification factor of 1 billion was used, which is impressive and allowed the publication of such clear images with the jet thrown from its center towards the universe over a huge distance.

Black Hole: INCREDIBLE Photos with a First for Mankind

Black hole magnification detail

The black hole has a mass 55 million times greater than that of the sun, but because it is at such a great distance from the Earth, until now it has been impossible to study it in detail. Images of this black hole were recorded in 2017 by scientists using a group of 8 radio observatories from various areas on Earth, all working in tandem to record images as if they were a giant telescope.

"This allows us for the first time to see and study an extragalactic radio jet on scales smaller than the distance light travels in one day. We see up close and personal how a gigantic monstrous jet is born from a supermassive black hole. It is amazing that we can study Centaurus A now with the extreme resolution of the EHT. We haven't seen this core before because we didn't have high enough resolution and we weren't looking at high enough frequencies."

Black hole jet detail

The black hole can be studied much more easily if the images that capture it show us the clearest details about it, so that scientists can unravel more mysteries of the universe that surrounds us. Monitoring for this black hole will continue in the coming months, and this is because we need even more information about this black hole that scientists have in mind, and maybe we will see a video of it someday.

The black hole in the Centaurus A galaxy is not the only one carefully monitored by scientists, but it takes years for the recorded images to be processed and published to the public.