Valeriu Gheorghita: Wave 4 and the Danger for Many Romanians

Valeriu Gheorghita issued a new warning message regarding an extremely serious problem that affects millions of Romanians, based on the way the new Delta variant of the Coronavirus infects people who have been infected and cured.

Valeriu Gheorghita says that Romanians who were infected at least 6 months ago are not protected by natural antibodies against the Delta variant, and that is why studies done in South Africa or India estimated that between 20% and 50% of those infected had already gone through the disease a few months ago.

"As such, adding to the fact that we are currently talking about a strain that spreads much more easily, which has a basal reproduction rate of cases of about six-seven, which means that one positive case generates another six- seven secondary cases, we are talking about the fact that it has a possibility and a capacity to partially evade the immune response obtained as a result of passing through the disease, as such, from the data that are currently modeled mathematically on the evolution of cases in India, in Africa from South, it is estimated that in 20 to 50% of cases, the people who are currently diagnosed are reinfection cases.

Precisely because more and more data show that, once people have gone through the disease, after more than six months, the neutralizing activity of the antibodies for the Delta variant is almost negative, it is almost undetectable, which is corrected by vaccination, that is, the respective people who had a history of passing through the disease, once vaccinated, the filter of neutralizing antibodies increased. These are the current data related to the Delta version."