Planet Saturn: The MYSTERIOUS discovery that surprised the world

Planet Saturn gases

The planet Saturn has revealed a new mysterious discovery that has surprised scientists from all over the world, and that's because for now they don't have many explanations about what they saw. The planet Saturn has, as some of you already know, many moons that orbit it, and one of them is called Enceladus, it is in the attention of scientists and has been monitored by the Cassini spacecraft for quite long periods of time.

The planet Saturn still has many mysteries, but scientists are now focusing on one that is related to the moon Enceladus, and this is because they discovered methane gas emanating there and they do not know where it comes from. The Cassini spacecraft is the one that provided them with information about the methane gas that is emanating without any explanation on the moon Enceladus, and now scientists want to explain its existence, whatever that means.

Planet Saturn: The MYSTERIOUS discovery that surprised the world

The planet Saturn has a surface hidden by the atmosphere, but in the case of Enceladus, scientists discovered that methane gas would have emanated from an underground ocean of the moon, but it is not known what exactly produces it. The moon Engeladus near the planet Saturn throws this methane gas into the universe without an explanation as to its source, scientists oscillate between theories that say it is produced by biological or non-biological forms, apparently anything is possible .

"We wanted to know: Could earth-like microbes that 'eat' dihydrogen and produce methane explain the surprisingly large amount of methane detected by Cassini? Obviously, we do not conclude that life exists in Enceladus' ocean. Rather, we wanted to understand how likely it would be for Enceladus' hydrothermal vents to be habitable to Earth-like microorganisms. Very likely, the Cassini data tells us, according to our models.”

The planet Saturn has little chance of hosting life under its unfriendly atmosphere, but in the case of the moon Enceladus, things could be completely different regarding the existence of life. Scientists started from discoveries made on Earth regarding the production of methane gas and hope to be able to explain including what happens in the case of the moon Enceladus near the planet Saturn, but things are not quite as simple as they seem.

The planet Saturn is no longer monitored by the Cassini spacecraft, it stopped its mission just a few years ago, but it is not excluded that others will be launched to study the planet again.