Valeriu Gheorghita: Important appeal to Romanians in Wave 4

Valeriu Gheorghita sends a very important call to all Romanians throughout the country in the midst of wave 4 of infections in Romania, the coordinator of the vaccination campaign in Romania asking people to be aware of the fact that the pandemic has not passed and that they must be vaccinated.

Valeriu Gheorghita comes with this call in the context in which the Delta variant generates large increases in the number of new cases and there are still many Romanians who are not sufficiently protected against it, the number of those admitted to ATI being on the rise.

"It is important to understand this message: the pandemic has not passed. We continue to have an increase in the number of cases, we have an increase in the number of infections generated by the Delta variant. It is very likely that in the coming period we will have an increase in these cases and it will become dominant, which means a greater risk of exponential growth.

As such, I appeal to all of us who are not yet vaccinated, to the vulnerable, to the elderly, to those with chronic conditions to decide in favor of vaccination by addressing the vaccination centers. At the moment, the vaccination process is very simple. Accessibility is as high as possible. We come with mobile teams, both in rural areas, we have active fixed vaccination centers.

They are vaccinated at the family doctor, they are vaccinated in health facilities. I think the data is, at the moment, as relevant as we have presented it, and the efficiency data, and we see the case incidence data nationally."