Valeriu Gheorghita: Wave 4 and a Serious Danger for Romanians

Valeriu Gheorghita draws attention to a serious danger that exists in wave 4 for Romania, the president of the body that coordinates the vaccination campaign in Romania talking about the risk of people who are not vaccinated against the Coronavirus at the moment.

Valeriu Gheorghita says that Romanians who are not vaccinated have a high risk of having a serious form of the disease and ending up in hospitals, even in intensive care units, so it is extremely important to immunize them, especially if they are vulnerable.

"Certainly, there are several ways in which we can ultimately increase people's interest in vaccination. I think the most important thing I would like is to remain convinced of the benefits of vaccination, namely, of a significantly reduced risk, we see, of getting sick, of getting to the hospital and losing the fight against the COVID-19 disease.

All the data show us that at the moment, unvaccinated people are people with a high risk of getting sick and in the conditions where we are talking about vulnerable people, with a high risk of getting to the hospital, of being admitted to therapy and even in certain cases, unfortunately, of risk of death. Regarding the approach, precisely to increase people's access to information, we have several actions that we propose in the coming period."