Cum listezi pozele Instagram in functie de data publicarii

Saptamana trecuta Instagram a implementat noul algoritm pentru feed si afiseaza pozele in baza unei estimari a intereselor noastre privind continutul publicat in retea, astfel ca pzoele nu mai sunt afisate in ordinea cronologica a publicarii lor de catre persoanele pe care le urmarit.

Pentru a rezolva aceasta problema si a dezactiva noul algoritm pentru feed-ul Instagram, a fost lansat un tweak numit Chronofeed, el fortand aplicatia sa listeze pozele in ordinea cronologica a publicarii lor, astfel ca vom vedea totul asa cum trebuie si nu asa cum ne obliga Instagram.

Pentru ca algoritmul functioneaza din serverele Instagram, Chronofeed va rearanja pozele abia dupa ce aplicatia le afiseaza, astfel ca la primul scroll prin feed pozele vor fi afisate in ordinea algoritmica, ele fiind mai apoi afisate in ordinea datei la care au fost publicate de utilizator.

Chronofeed poate fi descarcat gratuit din repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia urmand acest link.

Recently, Instagram (Facebook) has decided that their users are no longer able to judge the quality of the photos on their feeds, and as a result have implemented an algorithm to present the photos that you might be more interested in first. As many people do not necessarily want a multinational conglomerate telling them what they like the best, Chronofeed exists to reverse (somewhat) the problematic changes that Instagram have made. Tested on Instagram version 8.1, the latest at the time of release.

Note: you will find that as you scroll through, photos will begin to randomly start popping in. This is because Instagram’s sorting is implemented server side, so there is no other alternative. These photos are sorted in chronological order, so you will find the photos will be in the correct order when you scroll up.