Top 10 - The most important news of the week - 15.12.2014 - 21.12.2014

top 10 optimal

  Today ends the penultimate week of 2014 and the company Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), he took care to be in the center of attention of people all over the world. It all started with information about iOS 8.1.3 appeared on the Internet, based on the testing done by the employees in Cupertino.

  Furthermore, Apple stopped signing SHSHs for iOS 8.1.1 and released iOS 8.2 beta 3 for users. The end of the week was centered on the scandal generated by the BBC, which revealed the difficult working conditions of the Chinese who assemble iPhones.

  Adding to all a rumor related to iPhone 6S, we have a suitable end of the year for such a busy company, the following week will be devoid of such news.

  1. iPhone 6S with 2 GB RAM has the first confirmation
  2. SRI can check your entire computer without a warrant
  3. Here is the entire BBC report on the hard working conditions in the factories that produce iPhones (Video)
  4. iOS 8.2 beta 3 has been released by Apple!
  5. Apple increases the price of applications from App Store Romania
  6. iOS 8.1.1 is no longer signed for installation
  7. iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus need more RAM
  8. iOS 8.1.3 is developed by Apple for rapid release
  9. iPhone 6 Plus - how hard is it to charge?
  10. iOS and the auto-brightness button is gone