Fortnite: The Unusual Advantage For Some Players

Fortnite The Uncommon Advantage

Fortnite it has created an unusual advantage for some of the players around the world, and this in the conditions where we are talking about something that should not happen because it generates an imbalance between those who constantly play within the title.

Fortnite introduced a so-called "performance mode" for PC players in December, which modifies the title's graphics settings to increase the number of FPS and make the experience smoother, but this generates an unusual advantage .

Fortnite implemented this major change with the idea of ​​giving players on computers with weak components the opportunity to be more competitive in the game, but for those with better computers, the feature creates an advantage that should not exist.

Fortnite it was thought so that all players can have equal access to the game and can enjoy the best possible experience, so performance plays a very important role here, even if many of the effects in the game that provide a visual experience are canceled better.

Fortnite has only recently implemented this change, and it is unlikely that it will be modified soon so that the unusual advantage is canceled, so it remains to be seen what exactly the American company Epic Games will announce in relation to this situation.