Black Hole: Amazing NASA Video of the Merger Process

The black hole is one of the objects in the universe that are constantly monitored by NASA, and this is because there are many unknowns regarding them, and researchers are trying to unravel them. In this idea, in the video clip above you can see a demonstration of two black holes colliding, generally events of this kind giving birth to a much larger black hole, either medium-class or supermassive.

The black hole in the video clip above is a binary one, that is, two very close ones that were going to collide to form one of the ones I already told you about above. What you see above is a computer simulation of a collision between two black holes from two colliding galaxies, they being at the center of each galaxy, and this has already happened several times including the Milky Way, which swallowed other some smaller galaxies.

Black Hole: Amazing NASA Video of the Merger Process

The black hole formed after an event of this kind could be more active than an ordinary one, and this is also due to the stars and planets entering new positions in the galaxy that remains after the combination. This type of event also led to the formation of the supermassive black hole in the Milky Way, one that researchers from all over the world have been studying for some time, and about which they are still trying to learn as much as possible, in the shortest period of time.

The black hole that is born as a result of an event of this kind also releases a very large amount of energy when the combination of those that were at its base ends. Of course, everything around a black hole formed in such a way will be substantially affected by the radiation and energy released into the universe by the process, the effects being felt thousands, or tens of thousands, of light-years away, or paote more, depending on the size of the combined objects.

The black hole hides so many secrets that it is unlikely that scientists can discover them all without actually entering such an object, which now seems completely improbable.