Raed Arafat: Quarantine of Bucharest is not taken into account

Raed Arafat says that for now the quarantine of Bucharest is not taken into account by the Romanian authorities, and this is because they are still waiting to see the impact of the measures that have been announced so far.

Raed Arafat says that there is still a lot of trust in people and in observing the rules of prevention against the spread of the Coronavirus, even if there are still small chances that the problems will be solved very easily in the conditions where the incidence rate is almost 10/1000 inhabitants.

"At this moment it has not been discussed and, you see, other measures are being taken to limit the spread, until the measure of quarantine. So, again, our tendency and desire is not to block a big economy city with everything, especially now that we have the ways to solve the problem. We are coming back and asking people, however, to agree to get vaccinated as soon as possible, as many as possible, so that we can get out of this situation. Look how other countries are doing.

There are indeed countries with high numbers of cases, but few who reach Intensive Care. It's not like here, because here the number of those vaccinated is small. So, this is where we have to reach, convince people, explain to them to come in, to search, to ask, to go and get vaccinated, so that we have a large number of vaccinated people. I saw the number start to rise. This trend will probably continue and I hope it will continue, and then, in a certain period of time, maybe we will be able to control the growth situation and especially the impact situation on the health sector.

That the number of cases is not the problem; the problem is how many of these cases end up with the need for hospitalization, with the need for oxygen, with the need for intensive therapy."