GuestMode implementeaza un sistem guest mode in iOS 8

GuestMode este un tweak lansat cu mult timp in urma Cydia, iar cu ajutorul sau putem implementa in iOS 8 sistemul guest mode al Windows sau OS X-ului. Dupa cum va imaginati deja, tweak-ul va permite sa generati username-uri speciale pentru persoanele care doresc sa va utilizeze dispozitivul, tweak-ul oferindu-le acces doar la anumite aplicatii sau functii.

Requires iOS 8. GuestMode gives you the ability to share your device freely and still protect your privacy. Let the kids play games on your device without worrying about them looking at your messages/calling people. Let your friends control your music, but not snoop through your photos or Safari tabs. You choose exactly which apps are accessible and which ones aren’t.

  • Multiple ways of enabling GuestMode including:
  • Guest button on Lockscreen keypad
  • Swipe left on Lockscreen
  • Swipe right past passcode on Lockscreen
  • Guest Passcode
  • Activator gesture at Lockscreen
  • Provides a fully customizable guest experience that keeps you in charge. Compatible with all devices on iOS 8. Check out the screenshots for an example of some of the features.

  Tweak-ul ofera o multitudine de optiuni pentru personalizarea modului sau de activare, gesturile fiind principala metoda de a il porni sau opri. GuestMode are disponibil un meniu de setari in aplicatia Settings a iDevice-urilor noastre si de acolo puteti modifica tot ce va intereseaza, tweak-ul fiind disponibil la pretul e 1$ in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia,