PwnageTool for Windows will be released soon!

PwnageTool is the official application for Mac OS X made by the Dev Team especially for users who do not want to update their baseband when a new version of iOS appears in iTunes. Unfortunately, the Dev Team did not make a version of PwnageTool for Windows until recently because, according to MuscleNerd, there were no people in the team who knew well enough how to make programs for Windows, so they opted to abandon this idea. Today after the release of redsn0w 0.9.6 beta 2 MuscleNerd argued on Twitter with iH8sn0w and in the exchange of lines he revealed that at the moment chpwn work to a version of PwnageTool for Windows that is almost ready for release.

iH8Sn0w: @syzwnghani well, looks like chpwn is working on pt for windows, so maybe never,

MuscleNerd: @iH8sn0w seriously...@chpwn is your age, and about to release a better version of PT for win. Don't *blame* him for that.

The news is more than extraordinary because from now on even Windows users will be able to make custom ipsws without having to look for someone with a Mac. It is not known exactly when this new version of PwnageTool will be available, but as soon as it is released I will write an article plus a tutorial for its use.