Windows 10 BREAKS some computers, here is the NEW PROBLEM

Windows 10 damages some computers on which it is installed by users, the Microsoft company recognizing the problem, here is how it can be solved.

Windows 10 monitor colors problem

Windows 10 is going through an embarrassing situation for the Microsoft company again, and this is because the operating system is again damaging the users' computers due to a problem that should not have existed for this software. It seems that some users have discovered that after installing the May 2019 Update for Windows 10, their computer monitors started displaying distorted colors without them making any changes to their operation.

Windows 10 is affected by a bug only in the May 2019 Update, so previous versions do not go through problems of this kind, but the good part is that for those who have done the installation, there is a trick to solve it. Until then, Microsoft has recently released a patch for Windows 10 that should solve the problems for users, but unfortunately this is not happening, and there are still people reporting that the problem exists.

Windows 10 BREAKS some computers, here is the NEW PROBLEM

Windows 10 completely destroys the colors displayed by the monitors of the users' computers, some of them even displaying vertical stripes, which makes it impossible to use them in certain situations. Those from Nvidia, or other monitor manufacturers, claim that the problems are not related to their products, but to Windows 10, but there is also a trick you can use to somewhat return functionality to normal, but not for everyone.

"With Windows 10 Update 1903 and using any of the 430.x Nvidia drivers, color reproduction seems incorrect with visible stripes in gradients. The issue is not present with no Nvidia drivers installed or when booting in safe mode (so not loading graphics/display drivers). After installing drivers the problem starts showing as soon as you reboot once."

Windows 10 can theoretically solve the problem by accessing the Task Scheduler, then the Task Scheduler Library, the Triggers tab, then the "At Log On" option, where the "Disable" option must be selected. The same thing must be done for "On connection to user session", and after restarting Windows 10 should normally display the colors for computer monitors, and if you use third-party calibration applications, they will also be affected.

Windows 10 will definitely have this problem solved at some point by the Microsoft company, but unfortunately for now no one knows when, so if you are affected by it, you will have to be patient.