Apple Watch - charging in 2 hours, autonomy improved by Apple

Apple Watch charging

  Yesterday I presented you with a multitude of information about Apple Watch battery life, glances, Force Touch and many others, and today we learn some new details about the functionality of the future watch. According to sources inside the American company, Apple Watch charges in 2 hours from the moment of connecting to its charger, the period being extremely short and this is extraordinary since it has an autonomy of only one day. According to those who have used it for long periods of time, Apple Watch offers 5 hours of intensive use and up to 24 hours of "easy" use of its applications.

Here's a tidbit you might not know — in order to receive notifications from apps, the Watch must be on your wrist and locked. They require contact with your skin. There will be no in-app dropdown notifications or constant pinging while it's off your wrist. Push notifications also stop when the battery reaches 10 percent. Those decisions speak to the care with which Apple is handling notifications.

  Basically, if you use Apple Watch intensively, then daily you'll obtain 5 hours of use for a whole day, or you can extend the use time to multiple days with a light use. Moreover, when you take the watch off your hand, it will no longer display notifications or glances in order to preserve the autonomy of the battery and not to disturb you constantly. Moreover, when the Apple Watch battery reaches 10%, the watch will stop displaying any type of notifications or glances to conserve battery power.

  Finally, we learn that Apple has also improved the functionality of the digital crown of the Apple Watch, making it look premium during use, its long press also activating Siri with a limited functionality. Monday starting at 19:30 I'm waiting for you on to discuss everything that the Apple company will present in relation to the Apple Watch.